Friday 14 December 2012

“He cries. He wees. He saves the world”: A New Ad for the “Godbaby” Toy Debuts this Christmas

GodBaby-bannerIn the latest bid to strengthen the link between the birth of Jesus Christ and Christmas, a new and different image of baby Jesus is due to hit the streets of Britain this Christmas, with the new Godbaby poster from – the Churches Advertising Network. The striking image of a fictional ‘Godbaby toy’ aims to make the Christmas story appeal to the younger generation, and puts Christ at the centre of conversations.
Bishop Nick Baines, giving the image an enthusiastic approval, says “It’s another strong and arresting image. It will surprise some and disturb others… Which is exactly what the real Jesus did. And it forces us beyond the tinsel to the human reality of ‘God among us”.
The ChurchAds poster comes with the slogan: “He cries. He wees. He saves the world”. ChurchAds says it wants to appeal to the younger generations and put Jesus at the centre of conversations. It hopes the poster will resonate with passers-by searching for that ‘must-have’ Christmas gift.
“We focus too much on the material nature of the festival and miss the point – that Jesus, the true Godbaby, was born human and must never be turned into a commodity,” the organisation said. The poster will appear on billboards and outside churches nationwide in the run-up to Christmas

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