Wednesday 9 July 2014

TIPS: 11 Things You Should Avoid After Breaking Up

How to overcome break ups

No one steps into a relationship with an intention of breaking up but sometimes, it occurs and you have to deal with it. Now what matters is how you deal with it. The things you do after breaking up determines how fast you heal. Most importantly, you don't have to break down because you broke up so here are 11 things you should not do after breakup.

1. Don't Listen To Sad Songs:
Break up songs and their lyrics don’t mean too much to us until we’re going through breakup. If you really want to heal and move on, avoid listening to sad break up songs. Have a good cry, be angry, but listen to something more inspiring and uplifting instead of sad songs.

2. Don't Hurry Into A New Relationship:
After breaking up with your ex, a big part of you is going to miss the companionship you once had.   However, the worst thing you can do after breaking off a relationship is getting into a new one.  This doesn’t give you time to heal or time to regroup and figure yourself out.

3. Trying To Maintain A Friendship:
Trying to maintain a friendship after a fresh break up is never a good idea. It puts all sorts of stress on both of you as you try to somehow remain friends. Work on being friends later on down the line, but right now, focus on healing and focus on yourself.4. Hiding true emotions
After breaking up with a man, you’re bound to feel a rush of emotions. From sadness to anger, confusion and frustration, being emotional after a break up is okay. Emotions only become problematic when you don’t admit them.  Admit and acknowledge your emotions, and release them. There’s no need to fake a smile when you are not happy.

5. Throwing Everything Away:
 If you were with your ex-boyfriend for a good amount of time, it’s likely that he’s bought you some pretty nice gifts. Though you may want to throw away all of these in the heat of the moment, restrain yourself from doing so.

6. Stalking Your Ex:
 Breaking up usually means cutting all contact, which can be really hard to do — and may cause you to go into stalker mode, where you look at your ex’s Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram daily to see what he’s up to and to keep an eye on any new women that he may be talking to. This will only cause you tension and heartache.

7. Destroying Stuff:
 Some break ups aren’t nice ones, to say the least, and many times when a break up isn’t mutual, one partner is angry. If you’re breaking up because of cheating or some other reason, you may feel inclined to ruin your ex’s clothing and other personal items. Though it’s a good way to vent your   frustration, don’t give in to the temptation.

8. Don't Seek Revenge:
Seeking revenge on your ex posting personal pictures all over the Internet will only make you angrier and even more frustrated.  Let your vengeance be in the fact that by breaking up with you, he lost a great partner.

9. Begging to be taken back
When you really love and care about someone, it can be hard to let them go, and this may lead you to think that you can somehow reconcile and make things okay again. After breaking up, don’t beg your partner to take you back.  Accept it for what it is and move on; otherwise you will face more rejection.

10. Staying In Touch:
Once a break up decision is made, there is no need for both of you to communicate at all. Don’t text your partner later that night asking how they are feeling and don’t call the next day asking when you will see them again. Staying in contact only makes healing and moving on harder to realize.

11. Don't Isolate Yourself:
One of the worst things you can do after breaking up with someone is to isolate yourself. This is a point in your life when you need as much support and love as you can get. Don’t separate yourself from friends and family.

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