Wednesday 17 September 2014

Senate Tells Jonathan To Declare Full Scale War On Insurgents

Photo: Senate Tells Jonathan To Declare Full Scale War On Boko Haram   The Nigerian Senate on Tuesday told President Goodluck Jonathan to declare full scale war on the dreaded terrorist group, Boko Haram and halt its menace once and for all.  FULL DETAILS HERE >>>>>  Do you think the federal government has been pro-active enough in the fight against terrorists?

The Nigerian Senate on Tuesday told President Goodluck Jonathan to declare full scale war on the dreaded terrorist group, Boko Haram and halt its menace once and for all.
The Senators, who resumed from their two-month vacation, said the terrorists have already declared war on Nigeria, Vanguard reports.
The lawmakers while expressing disappointment over the manner the fight against insurgency had been carried out directed the Senate President, David Mark to meet with the President and service chiefs to brainstorm on better ways of curbing their destructive activities.
Responding, Senator Mark, while delivering his welcome address, pointed out that the sect’s menace was aimed at marring Nigeria’s independence.
He noted that the increasing violence being perpetuated by the terrorist on daily basis including the declaration of a caliphate in Gwoza, is very alarming.
The Senate President further revealed that the Senate has forwarded President Jonathan’s $1 billion loan request to fight terrorism to its committees on Foreign, Finance, and Local Debt, with the expectation of getting feedback in the next one week. He said the Senate was also waiting for Jonathan’s reaction on the just concluded National Conference which was conveyed to discuss and suggest ways of correcting some abnormality in the nation.
Senator Mark, however, urged the President to make sure the 2015 Appropriation Bill gets to the legislative chamber before the end of the month in order for them to pass it into law before January 2015.
Boko Haram which started its onslaught since 2009, has reportedly killed thousands of innocent citizens comprising Christians and Muslims, especially in the North-Eastern part of the country.  On September 15, 2014, at least 850 soldiers attached to the 322 Artillery Battalion, and the Fourth Brigade Garrison, Ekeunwa, Benin City, the Edo State capital were reportedly ambushed by suspected Boko Haram terrorist group between Okene and Lokoja, Kogi State. On September 14, 2014, the terrorist group reportedly 

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