Wednesday 18 September 2013

7 Steps On How To Save Your Mobile Phone If It Falls Into Water

How To Save A Water Damaged Cell Phone

Its almost a natural occurence of water coming in contact with your cell phone. Maybe you were bathing and placed your phone somewhere but one thing led to another and then it fell into the bucket of water.
Or maybe you ran under rain while receiving that call from your boss telling you how late you are. A dip in the pool, perhaps? Or an unexpected trip into some salty water at the beach?

There are very many scenarios that can lead to water damaging your cell phone. It is a known fact that water and phones don't mix like oil and water although some phone companies are beginning to produce devices that are water resistant.

It is never a thing of joy when your phone takes its first lesson oflearning how to swimbut just incase such happens, do not fret my friend, your cell phone might not be gone for good.
In today's post, I just want to lay out certain tips to help revive your phone if the waters had plans of damaging it

Tips To Save A Water Damaged Mobile Phone

1. Quickly Take Your phone out of the water: You don't need or have to start screaming or crying if you find your phone in the water. The time it takes you to scream, your phone is taking in as much water as it can. Immediately pick up your phone if it falls into a pool of water, bucket of water or wherever. Don't waste any second in doing that.

2.Don't Press any button: As tempting as it may seem, never press any button when you pull out your phone from the water body. You will be tempted to check if it is still working, resist the temptation like a plague and do not press any button. Pressing a button on your phone can let any residual moisture seep through, increasing your risk of damage.

3.Dry The phone exterior: When I say exterior, i mean the casing as a whole. Grab a towel, a cloth, tissue or any other absorbent material to wipe off all traces of water on the phone's casing. Wipe of the water on the screen too. Basically, do whatever you need to do to dry the phone off as thoroughly as possible.

4.Take out the internal components: If your phone has a removable pack panel, take it off. Dismantle the phone entirely. I don't mean smashing the phone. Just take out the parts quickly as fast and as much as you can. Take out the sim card, your memory card and dry them off completely. Saving these can be useful as you will just be saving any important information you must have stored on them.

5.Shake Your Cell phone: Yes! Swing it, shake it so as to let any other remaining water leave the exterior and interior parts of the phone. There still might be some water hiding in the headphone jack or beneath any physical keys you know, so, SHAKE!

6.Stick the phone into grains of rice: This might sound ridiculous but it helps a lot. You know rice is a good absorbent of water? If you didn't know, ask your mum, wife, sister or whoever that cooks for you. Just get a bowl, pour in some rice and then place your cell phone in it. Move the phone around in the bowl of rice so as to dry out some of the left over water in the device.

7. Wait for some time without putting "on" your phone: This will help in the drying process too
Take your phone out of the bag or remove it from the bowl of rice. Dust off any starch, put all the pieces back together, and try to power it up. Hopefully your phone will turn on. If it doesn't, you can try putting it back into the bowl of rice for another day or so.
So how can you prevent this from happening again? Easy. Stop taking the phone into the bathroom. If that��s simply not an option, you can always purchase a waterproof case. Nowadays you can find one for just about every type of smartphone there is, though there aren't many out there for feature phones. And if this is the sort of thing that happens to you a lot, you may want to think about getting a water-resistant smartphone. You still won��t be able to go deep sea diving with it, but it��ll almost certainly bounce back from a quick dip in the pool.

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